You gotta believe. But who?

You gotta believe. But who?

Who you gonna believe? When people argue over contentious issues today they often follow a predictable pattern. He cites a scientific study that says blah blah about climate change. She cites a scientific study that claims the opposite. Oh yeah? He says her study was...
You gotta believe. But who?

Spend like tomorrow is just another day

 Don’t bother to apply! Tens of millions of Americans will never be able to work for government. If they did what Darrell Issa did, that is. Issa is a former congressguy. He was nominated for a federal trade post. The post requires the Senate to approve. Senator...
You gotta believe. But who?

Jim Comey, check your pantyhose

Imagine a champion dance couple. The orchestra lights up. The couple bursts onto the floor. They float. They swing. They whirl – and stir your envy and admiration. They trip the light fantastic at levels you can only dream about. Then you notice two small things. Her...
You gotta believe. But who?

Project 1619: Ye Olde Idiocy

And you thought America was “conceived in liberty”? That is what Abraham Lincoln suggested.  Well I’m here to tellya that is bunk. This country was conceived in wholesale medical cruelty. And medical malfeasance. So there! Doctors of the 1700’s treated illnesses by...