Scuttle the Navy Secretary? Aye, Aye, Sir!

Scuttle the Navy Secretary? Aye, Aye, Sir!

This kafuffle over a Navy SEAL rouses memories. Of dirty dishes, a dumb commodore and military injustice. The kafuffle is this: Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher was charged with several war crimes. He was tried by the Navy. The Navy found him innocent. Except for...
Scuttle the Navy Secretary? Aye, Aye, Sir!

Taxes versus Reality

Here is an idea: Let us end taxes on corporations. Yes. Zero taxes for the big businesses of America. By now, some readers snorts have set their newspapers alight. What? Are you crazy? Let corporations escape paying their “fair share”??? How outrageous! Free them from...
Scuttle the Navy Secretary? Aye, Aye, Sir!

And this year’s peace prize goes to Adolph

Suppose you learned that one in three young people is convinced the earth is flat. And that many believe the Moon landing was faked in a NASA studio.  Imagine you read that a third of young folks will tell you the Holocaust never happened. Would this news disturb you?...
Scuttle the Navy Secretary? Aye, Aye, Sir!

We deserve a little service

Abysmally poor service. That is how I classify Big Media’s treatment of the news about our economy. They ought to feel obliged to deliver a fairly accurate picture of our economy. Too many members of the group do not. Now, should we expect Big Media to lean left or...