Will you please stuff a sock in it

Will you please stuff a sock in it

A few thoughts on this nasty virus. Thoughts about scavengers. Grandmothers. And stocks.First, a gentle message to our politicians. Unless you have something helpful to say, please shut up!You are vultures that swoop over and peck away at carcasses. You make political...
Will you please stuff a sock in it

She’s rubbing her nose. Do we do the same?

As you know, we harbor a lot of cynicism in this country. Especially when it comes to politics and politicians.  In the last few weeks I was three times reminded why. One reminder was a Donald Trump campaign commercial. It ran footage of both President Clinton and...
Will you please stuff a sock in it

It’s a Barnum and Maytag World

Today, let us celebrate dirty laundry. But before we do… At least there is one thing most Americans are united on these days: Americans are divided. The State of the Union circus was proof of that. As was the impeachment. As was the Mueller Report. Politics?...