Poke in the Eye from U.S. Ingenuity

We are poking a thumb in OPEC’s eye.  It feels good. The oil producing countries of OPEC humiliated this country in 1973-74. They stopped selling oil to us. They did so because we sold weapons to Israel. For its war against Syria and Egypt. Led by the Saudis, they...

A Lie by Any Other Name Stinks Just as Much

Why don’t we trust our politicians? For the answer, look no further than a recent column by Larry Elder in Investors Business Daily. (www.IBD.com) He began with a quote from a politician. The pol railed against illegal immigrants. They disrespect the rule of law, he...

Resistance to the Wall? No Comprende.

Help me out here. Hurl more reasons at me.  Reasons why we should not build Donald Trump’s infamous wall. Here are the most popular reasons I have seen to date: “No other countries build walls to keep people out.” Not true. Mexico did. So did Israel. So did several...