Whole Lotta Racism Goin’ On!

I am a racist. Sorry, but that is the sad truth. You see, I have been thinking about my thoughts. And comparing those thoughts to what powerful people say and write about such thoughts.  And there can be only one conclusion. That I am racist. For instance, enforcing...

The Parade of the Deporables

All hail the rise of the schlubs. Along with the fat biscuit-faced folks. And the hinters of our hinterland. And the frumps of Frumptown. That is my reaction to the recent nasty attacks by celebrities on Sarah Sanders.  She is the White House Press Secretary. As such,...

Let the Buyer Be Wary

Have you ever wondered whether we should have a warning label on college courses?  “WARNING: THIS COURSE IS TAUGHT BY A PROFESSOR WHO HAS PROVEN HE IS A DUNCE.” Your child can sign up for a course at Princeton with Professor Paul Krugman. He won a Nobel Prize in...

They’re Toasting Marx Again

Maybe you have seen some of the many reports that a lot of our college students love socialism.  They love even Marxism, the seedbed for socialism. Many hate filthy capitalism. Just as the Pope does. This is understandable. Many university profs love the two. They...

Justice is a Joke – At the Top

Are we treated equally under the law? Absolutely not. Are the elite treated better than you and me?  You’re damned right they are. You may have seen the recent FoxNews story on a sailor who snapped six photos inside his nuclear submarine. He wanted to show his family...