by Tom Morgan | Nov 23, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Be frightened! You probably will be if you read the article I did. It is about global catastrophes that are headed our way. If we don’t change our ways, that is. This is a serious article in the journal Bioscience. It is endorsed by 1700 “leading” scientists. It...
by Tom Morgan | Nov 16, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Whole lotta rapes been goin’ on. That is a logical thought about the sexual bonfire. The one set alight by Harvey Weinstein’s accusers. More about those rapes later. Meanwhile we are awash in hypocrisy. Good example is how politicians reacted to the accusations...
by Tom Morgan | Nov 9, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
“So what? Lately our GDP has run at a 3 percent rate. Who cares?” Many people react this way when they see Gross Domestic Product figures. They scorn the attention people give to them. “Who cares? Doesn’t affect me. Two-percent GDP, three-percent GDP. What’s the...
by Tom Morgan | Nov 3, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Are you enjoying the revolution? We are in the midst of one. It is not a bloody revolt, thankfully. That thought struck me when I read of a recent poll. It found the American public’s approval of most senators was plunging. This applied to Democrats and Republican...
by Tom Morgan | Oct 20, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Here is why we should cut our tax rates. Imagine an island. It has one source of income. Guests at its big hotel. They bring in all the money that circulates in the island economy. They rent rooms. Eat at restaurants. Rent cars. Drink. Buy souvenirs. The money...