by Tom Morgan | May 26, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Imagine the conversations some politicians must have had with their PR advisors. Recently. Over how they would attack the Trump budget proposals. “These budget cuts are terrible.” No sir (or Madam). You have to be bolder. “All right. These budget cuts will be harmful...
by Tom Morgan | May 19, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
The caldron in Washington today reminds me of something. The collapse of the Soviet system. Nearly 30 years ago. It collapsed under the weight of corruption. And because government did not deliver what people wanted. And because the Soviets could not reform...
by Tom Morgan | May 11, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Here is a major problem with the kafuffle about climate change. Who should you believe? My paper carried a piece by a local scientist. He is an expert in glaciers. He wrote that “97 percent of all climate scientists attribute the current rate of warming to human...
by Tom Morgan | May 5, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Here are a few phrases that waterboarding would not pry from our lips. Firing squads would fail to get various leaders to utter them. One is “I’m sorry. I was wrong.” Another is “I made big mistakes.” And similar phrases. We have seen examples of this resistance...
by Tom Morgan | Apr 29, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
We should cut our taxes as President Trump proposes. Why? Because the Congressional Budget Office says it’s a bad idea. Congress asks the CBO to score tax proposals. To predict how much a new tax will raise. To predict how much a tax increase will raise. Or how much...