by Tom Morgan | Apr 21, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
So…you want to run for the school board, eh? First you will have to show us your tax returns. For the last five years. What? It’s not the school board you want to join? Instead, you want to run for the county board? Okay, hand over your tax returns. Why? ...
by Tom Morgan | Apr 13, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Let’s hear it for a few of the teachers in your life. That idea came after I was touched by a piece by a woman in her 50’s. She paid tribute to the teacher who taught her the word “Look”. Her first word. She went home in triumph knowing she could finally read. She...
by Tom Morgan | Apr 7, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Please remove your Democrat or Republican baseball cap. Sit on it for a minute. This surveillance stuff is nasty. And it should trouble you. No matter what your political persuasion. As you know the accusations have been flung far and wide. Trump guys did this with...
by Tom Morgan | Mar 30, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Questions, questions. This kafuffle about building a wall along the Mexican border raises soooo many questions. Before I ask them, let us avoid all the stuff about how wonderful immigrants are for America. No question that they are. And we are all descendent from...
by Tom Morgan | Mar 24, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
A few items from the HAVE WE GONE NUTS? FILE. A high school in Pennsylvania reckons teenagers can undress in whatever locker room they wish. According to a lawsuit filed recently. A teenage boy was undressing in the boys locker room. The so-called boys locker room. ...