by Tom Morgan | Mar 17, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Uhh, Coach, you are coming off a 0-24 season. On top of your 0-23 season last year. We’d like to hire you. To advise us on how to win this season. Does that make sense? As much as asking the Congressional Budget Office to calculate the cost of the new healthcare plan....
by Tom Morgan | Mar 10, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Watch what you put in your microwave. The folks down at the CIA may be watching. Wikileaks just revealed the spooks have deployed over 1000 electronic spy tools. To check your bra size. And my choice in shaving cream. Over 1000 snoop tools! Just at the CIA. They can...
by Tom Morgan | Mar 2, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
You see your president wage war against Big Media. You see Big Media wage war against your new president. Do you see the strategies he deploys? Clever strategies. Big Media assaulted previous presidents. Especially Republican presidents. Those presidents complained....
by Tom Morgan | Feb 24, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Here is how bias has seeped into the news you receive. Used to be news was news. Not much coloring to it. Reporters were trained to keep their biases to themselves. And to write news straight. If a reporter colored the news the editors squelched it. How about opinion?...
by Tom Morgan | Feb 17, 2017 | Newspaper Columns
Let’s look at a bit of fraud this week. Most of the info comes courtesy of Bill O’Reilly. Recently immigration officers – ICE – collared about 680 undocumented aliens. In one big sweep nationwide. These were mostly crooks. Or sidekicks of crooks. Crooks who had...