Villains are everywhere

If there’s one thing this country leads the world at it is creating villains.  Why we have so many villains we could lend a few hundred to countries in need and never miss them. Maybe we should make this part of our foreign aid packages. Okay, we will give you a...

Capitalism, not socialism, is the answer

Maybe we should look at this immigration question and beyond.  Absent the hysteria. Many Americans want this country to take in millions of immigrants per year. We do. Well, we take about a million per year. Legal ones. Lord knows how many illegals come in. Open...

Understanding Trump’s media strategy

If you are in management you probably see what he is doing.  If you were in the military you likely do.  If you play chess you do. This is about President Trump’s battle with big media. A friend likened it to the President letting loose a dozen rabbits.  Meaning a...

Respect the office of the President

Thoughts on the circus.  Not the Ringling Bros Circus that is folding its tents. Rather the Inauguration. Which is erecting the big top of a new administration. Rep. John Lewis and a few dozen other congress people boycotted the inauguration of President Trump.  Lewis...

Dems aren’t winning back voters

Suppose you live next door to a car dealer.  And suppose you shop for a new car.  You check out what he has to offer. You check out others. You buy a new car from one of his competitors. He is disappointed you did not buy a car from him. More, he thinks you are...