Understanding Donald Trump

Here is your big opportunity. His critics don’t see it. Many Republicans are blind to it. Few in the media see it. Here is your chance to get a leg up on them. That is, to understand something about Donald Trump they don’t. Let us look at his recent meeting with big...

How did Trump win?

We have many teachers telling kids the country’s gone to Hades. Because voters chose Donald Trump. We have professors and college administrators coddling upset students. With safe zones. And grief counselors. And sympathy. Please pardon me for my stupidity. But it...

How and why Trump won

A few thoughts about the election. A big reason Trump outsmarted his opponents: He is a business guy. An entrepreneur. More – he is a developer. This business guy looked at spending campaign money differently than his politician opponents did. A business guy asks “If...

Presidential pardons are coming

Are you ready for a few presidential pardons?  Well, you are very likely to see some. Now some newspapers won’t publish this edition of the column until after the election. But that should not affect the message. Which is that Hillary will need to be pardoned. Her...

We deserve better

Do you think you deserve better? That question popped into my mind while standing for 25 minutes in a TSA line this week. Is this the best we can do? Everybody whines about TSA stupidity and rudeness. Ahh, but we need these guys, don’t we? They keep our airplanes...