We live in a banana republic

Welcome to Chiquita-ville. We are more and more living in a banana republic. And for younger readers, I don’t mean the clothing store. Maybe you don’t believe this. I suggest you chat with hombres from Honduras and Guatamala and Ecuador. Tell them how the Democrat...

Media, debates and the economy

A few thoughts on the campaign for the White House. By now, millions are lusting for the debates. My guess is that the first one will break records for viewership. Another guess is that Hillary is already practicing how to handle insults. She probably has aides...

Paying to play

Disturbing emails these were. They were among the thousands recently divulged by villainous WikiLeaks. The emails were between the top finance guy of the Democrat Party and a big personnel guy at the White House.  The party guy sent a list of big donors. For the White...

What the conventions are really about

Assorted thoughts on our political conventions: First, these are not really political conventions. These are get-togethers for media and security folks. Truly. There are 15,000 media guys. We’ve invaded whole countries with fewer than 15,000. And nobody knows how many...

Let’s look to the future

Racial matters. They rouse the nation once more. In Dallas the President spoke yet again about the issues. You may feel differently. But I have no sense his words moved and inspired many Americans. Neither his words now.  Nor his words about race in previous speeches....