Different laws for different people

Random thoughts on the Hillary email scandal: Imagine if you could suck all the political gas from this. You would be left with a pure impartial situation. Suppose you then asked: Did this senior government executive break a bunch of laws? Of course she did. Should...

Who are politicians really serving?

Wha’ happened? Did earthquakes churn Europe into rubble?  Did The Plague descend upon Britain?  Did skyscrapers topple? Did the Queen scamper naked ‘round Picadilly Circus? Europeans are screaming at the Brits. Calling them everything but Nazis. Half the British are...

Is your mind made up?

  Gunshots, sirens and more police than march in the St. Patrick’s Day parade. In the wee hours, folks in a village I knew woke years ago to several shotgun blasts. Next, twenty police cars wailed down their streets. Villagers stumbled onto their lawns in bathrobes...

Congress in contempt

Can we discuss contempt today? Contempt for you. Many of us complain that our congress people are elitist.  That they often vote in legislation a majority of Americans don’t want. Obamacare is a prime example. The accusations go beyond Obamacare. Many feel the way...