Both political parties are cracking up. Both. One has flu, the other pneumonia.
A lot of political structures are cracking up. In various parts of the world. This happens sometimes. It is as if seeds of disruption were sown in various locations. And this year many are sprouting.
Here, both parties teeter.
Yes, yes, mainstream media tell us only the Republican Party is in upheaval. But they ignore the same phenomenon in the Democrat Party. Because they favor the Democrat Party. And therefore protect it. I wish they were more objective. More balanced. Less biased. If they were they would see what is as big as an elafunk. More like two elafunks. Later, later.
Obviously the Republican Party is under siege. Trump is seizing power from the Old Guard. The Old Guard shudders. And pouts. Imagine: McCain, the Bush family and Romney are not even going to the convention. They will stay home. Grind their teeth. Down bitter beer. And fling boots at their televisions.
Jeb is so upset he is willing to act and look like a bozo. By reneging on his pledge to support the nominee he is. A pledge he solemnly took before 17 million viewers. “Hey, Hillary lies. I will never lie to you. Except once in a while. On national television. Trust me to be your President.”
Trump has won more votes than any Republican in primary history. He has clearly expanded the party tent. Yet many of the Old Guard resent him and spurn him. Attack him. Insult him. Denounce him. Threaten to form a third party.
What do these actions tell us? They are bruised. They are humiliated. They are desperate. They see Trump and the likes of Palin and other riff-raff taking over.
Meanwhile, the Democrats are lovey-dovey. A big happy family they are. Chucking muck pies at each other’s faces.
Clearly the Clintons built a gigantic machine. It connects to and binds a thousand parts of the party and media. Yet that machine coughs and wheezes these days.
You may love her. But you have to admit Hillary is winning far fewer votes than she did against Obama. She struggles. Without the super delegates she would not make it to her coronation at the convention. Super delegates captured by the Clinton Machine.
The Democrat Party is cracking up as much as the Republican Party. Obviously the party elite gave Hillary their blessing. Yet young voters spurn her. Young women reject her. Bernie was supposed to play make-believe. Just a nag to lope around the track. To make it look as if Hillary was romping home. Right. Some lope. Some romp.
She has her problems with scandals. It is possible they could fell her. If they do the Old Guard whispers they would make Biden their candidate. Not Sanders. Can you imagine the stink bomb that would send off? And what if Sanders gets the nod. Can you imagine the Clinton Machine supporting him? You think Republicans are pouting? Wait until you hear the Clinton elite wail.
There is a massive machine at the center of the Democrat Party. If Hillary loses the nomination it will collapse. If she wins the nomination but loses the election it will collapse. Where will this leave the party?
Meanwhile, turmoil in Germany. Nearly 65 percent of Germans want to dump Merkel. In Britain the UKIP party of renegades keeps drawing supporters. In France the upstart National Front party now leads in polls. In the UK voters may vote to escape the EU. That would be a slap in the face – more a kick in the groin – of the Old Guard.
Whole lot of turmoil going on. Seeds of dissent sprouting in various parts of the world. Who knows what the blossoms will be.
From Tom…as in Morgan.
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