
Let us honor our politicians. Oink, oink, hurrah!

Here is a prime example of swamp life in Washington. First, Senator John McCain sits on $9 million.  This is money given to him for his presidential campaign. Given to him by friends and supporters. And by people, businesses and special interests. All of whom and...

Critters of the D.C. Swamp Unite

Don’t be surprised if Donald Trump is impeached.  Or forced from office. Or both. It seems fair to conclude this. When you consider what just happened, that is. 1. For many months Trump was accused of colluding with Russians. Big media trumpeted the charges and...

Whose money is it, anyway?

If you build a pile of pension money, they will come. By “they” I mean people who want to use the money.  To push their own causes. Case in point is NY State’s big pension fund. It is for the retirements of various state and local government workers. It is run by the...

Europeans: Enough with the snickers. How about you pay up?

Are you overly sensitive if you find the attitudes of NATO leaders repugnant? Several of them seemed to snicker and smirk when President Trump spoke recently in Brussels. In other ways they indicated they did not appreciate his message.  Which was that their countries...

Children will die! Children will die! Politicians will live!

Imagine the conversations some politicians must have had with their PR advisors. Recently. Over how they would attack the Trump budget proposals. “These budget cuts are terrible.” No sir (or Madam). You have to be bolder. “All right.  These budget cuts will be harmful...

Welcome to the old Soviet Union

The caldron in Washington today reminds me of something. The collapse of the Soviet system. Nearly 30 years ago.        It collapsed under the weight of corruption. And because government did not deliver what people wanted. And because the Soviets could not reform...