
It’s a Barnum and Maytag World

It’s a Barnum and Maytag World

Today, let us celebrate dirty laundry. But before we do… At least there is one thing most Americans are united on these days: Americans are divided. The State of the Union circus was proof of that. As was the impeachment. As was the Mueller Report. Politics?...

Persuasion 101: You’re Stoooopid!

Persuasion 101: You’re Stoooopid!

Lessons in the much-abused Art of Insult. Deplorables have been on my mind. Of course, they have been in the news a lot lately. Guests on a recent CNN show lampooned the deplorables who support President Trump. In response, Trump lovers lightning-zipped that video...

Upstate. Forgotten, but not gone

Upstate. Forgotten, but not gone

Most of us know that upstate New York struggles.  When it comes to economic matters it does. Fewer new jobs, new businesses and expanding businesses than most parts of the U.S. enjoy. Upstaters suffer nearly the lowest income growth of any region in the U.S. The...

In God we trust. Maybe

In God we trust. Maybe

So, who do you trust? Do you trust the people involved in Jeffrey Epstein’s death?  They tell you he committed suicide. Despite any number of bizarre coincidences that suggest he was done in.  So do you trust the officials who tell you otherwise? Do you...

And everywhere that Mary went, she croaked

And everywhere that Mary went, she croaked

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? “Well, it’s burned to a crisp by global warming.” That seems to be the message for kids in some schools. We know this because too many parents complain. Their children tell them we are all going to die within a...

I predict… more predictions

I predict… more predictions

The end is nigh. Whatever that means. We have copped it. We are screwed. An eminent scientist has written a book that proclaims “The battle to feed all of humanity is over.” He insists that doom lays only a few years ahead. Millions are going to starve to death soon....