
My Favorite Team is the Altoona Burps

Welcome to the Whacky Years. You should be spared further comment on the Judge Kavanaugh cess pool. The nation is awash in slime, hatred and poisonous accusations over this. The ugly bottom line: Our politicians and media handled this in despicable fashion. They did...

You Swine! You Pervert!

You sexual predator! We will always link that possibility to your name. For the rest of your life. Suppose you are about to receive a big award. Or you are about to become mayor. Someone you don’t know sends a letter to a political enemy of yours. That person accuses...

Fire Up the Propaganda Machine

It is a pity we are soooo good at spin. At churning out dense swirls of propaganda to blind folks to reality. We are expert at this unfortunate art. Our propaganda machines can turn spinach into filet mignon, sewage into Dom Perignon. And vice-versa. This came to mind...

You are Being Watched. And Rated.

You are being censored. You are being “watched” and rated. Yes, you are being rated. Articles you might read are being withheld from you. If you are on any social media, that is. Welcome to the era of Big Brother. If you use its service, Facebook rates you. According...

Here is How You Spell Unequal

You can twist this any way you want, but this is NOT a defense of President Trump. This is in defense of something more important. Something which has been battered in countless ways. That battery embitters millions of folks. Trump recently ended the security...