
America – Home of the Expert

America – Home of the Expert

This virus crisis has wiped out jobs, yes. But it has also created a lot of work for experts. Why everywhere you turn there is another expert. Usually on television. We have experts in drugs and making and distributing ventilators. We have experts in when to open up...

Questions, questions, questions

Questions, questions, questions

Are you fed up yet with the accusations about the virus? We are driving less, so we are pumping fewer pollutants into our air. But we are smogging it with accusations and finger-pointing. (Fill in the blank) has blood on his/her/their hands!! He was late! He was...

50,000 will die – give or take a few million

50,000 will die – give or take a few million

Let us call it The Finger-Pointers’ Dilemma. The toll of the virus has been less than what we were promised. The WuFlu (G’wan, call me racist.) medical experts assured us the sky was definitely falling this time. Maybe 2 million of us would croak. These experts...

‘Tis the Age Of…

‘Tis the Age Of…

We will have to come up with a name for these times. I nominate “Weird”. The Age of Weird. Everywhere you turn you find weird. I wish we could print that name in crazy colors. Within a fringe of black, for mourning. I started on a novel a few years ago. But set it...

A Glass Half-Full of Poison

A Glass Half-Full of Poison

This virus turmoil brings to my mind a character named Turk. He was a regular in my father’s saloon. Turk always made us laugh. But he used his humor to camouflage his criticisms. To hide the barbs. Yes, he entertained us. But after a while you had to realize...

If you can keep your head…

If you can keep your head…

This virus has created The Season of Big IFs. IF we subdue and control the virus. IF we manage to keep infections and deaths to a minimum. IF we achieve much lower numbers than “experts” predict. Then, the administration will earn plaudits. Most of the nation will...