Newspaper Columns

No wall – but a bridge from swamp to swamp

by | Sep 14, 2017 | Newspaper Columns | 0 comments

Trump has the extremes of both parties worried.  Finally.  Good for him.

He has begun to talk with Democrats in Congress about moving some laws through that body.  His message to Republicans is “You had your chance and blew it.”

In other words, he has plopped down a bridge of sorts. Across the river that divides the parties in Congress.

In this he is wiser than President Obama was.  Obama’s supporters claim the Republicans refused to co-operate with him.  The evidence is strong that he was the obstinate one.  At first he had a Democrat congress that would pass what he wanted. He thumbed his nose at Republicans.

That helped the Democrats lose Congress.  When he then faced a Republican majority he was unable to work with them.  So he enacted laws by edict.  He did not bridge the river. He deepened it.  Many of his edicts are now being reversed.

Trump faces the same divide.  He tried what Obama did.  That is, he asked all the guys from one party to back his proposals.  They fought with each other.  And bloodied his nose.

So he has thrown down a pontoon bridge.  For short or maybe long-term use.  He aims to pick up a handful of Democrat votes.  By compromising. He hopes to add them to many votes from the Republicans. Not all Republican members. But most.

Which is the way savvy presidents have operated.  For big stuff they have gathered votes from the middle.  And left the far left and far right to stew in their juices.

Such presidents have focused on that middle.  They know the middle changes with every issue.  This month’s pals will be next month’s enemies.  With this legislation, 95 percent of the Republicans.  Or Democrats.  With the next, only 70 percent.

This is important for an obvious reason.  And for a not-so-obvious one.

The obvious is that this is the most practical way a president gets his program voted into law.  Or at least a version of his program.  It will get “adjusted” along the way.  Or maybe mauled. Depends on how big the compromises with the other side are.  Which depends upon how many votes he needs to corral.

The not so obvious reason?  The process produces better legislation.  Because both sides contribute.  Both sides take a licking on some issues.  And win on others.

Imagine if President Obama had worked this process with Obamacare.  Imagine if he had compromised.  He could have picked up a lot of Republican votes. If he had, his program would not be under siege today.

Imagine if Hillary had compromised years ago.  She took on the healthcare project when Bill was President.  She worked mostly with Democrats. Kept meetings secret. Then sprung the big bundle onto Congress and expected passage.  Right.

She got little input from Republicans. She got Democrats offering their own versions.  Sound familiar?  She fashioned no bridges.  Her program sunk.

Trump is obviously hungry to get at least some of his proposals voted into law.  If that hunger leads him to throw down more bridges we will all be the better for it.

We will get laws that more of our people support.  We will get a Congress that functions more than it fights.

You could get drunk toasting that.



From Tom…as in Morgan

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